Residential Heating Oil FAQs
Q: How energy efficient is it to heat my home with oil?
Very! The average oil heating system consumes less fuel than gas, and oil burners produce the most efficient flame when compared to gas systems. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, oil heating systems are 16% more efficient than gas heating systems and 30% more efficient than electric heating systems.
Q: Doesn't oil pollute the environment?
No. A new oil heating system with a properly serviced burner generates less carbon monoxide than piped gas and does not contribute significantly to air pollution. One BTU of gas releases more pollutants into the atmosphere than does one BTU of oil. In fact, home heating oil burns so cleanly that it is not subject to any clean air requirements.
Q: Will oil heat keep my home warm enough?Absolutely. The oil heat flame quickly burns at 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the reason oil consumers are much more comfortable in their homes versus those who complain that their electric heat pump does not provide the comfortable warmth of oil during those cold days of winter.
Q: Is oil safe?
Unlike gaseous fuels, heating oil will not support a flame unless the temperature is above 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Even at those temperatures, there is not enough fuel vapor to cause an explosion.
Q: Is it more expensive to heat with oil than with gas or electric?
As it so happens, heating with oil is your best buy: oil consumers receive up to 30% more for their heating dollar than do those who heat with natural gas or electricity. In fact, when measured in constant dollars, heating oil prices have actually dropped while natural gas prices have significantly risen due to pipeline and utility expenses.
Q: Why have oil prices been so high lately?
There are several reasons for the increase in oil prices in recent years: Natural disasters such as Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, combined with steady, continued growth in world demand, the ongoing threat of political instability in major oil-producing countries, and the rising influence of financial institutions speculating in the oil markets have all affected oil prices. Talk to us about ways to offset increased oil prices with more efficient heating systems and easy to manage smart pay plans.
Q: I've heard of people on automatic delivery running out of oil. How is that possible?
Normally run-outs are a result of the way in which the residence is being occupied. A typical example would occur if there is a new baby in the house and the room temperature is being kept higher and there is an increase in hot water usage. If there is any change in the way your residence is being used, it is important to notify your fuel oil company so they can adjust your consumption factor.
Q: What happens to my SPP payment if there is a dramatic increase in the price of fuel oil?
In the event there is a dramatic change in the cost of oil, we will try to notify you and suggest a voluntary increase in your SPP amount. If you opt not to increase your payments, it could result in a large balance pay-off at the end of the SPP year.
Delivery Types
Payment Plans
We also install and service heating and air conditioning systems through our Bain Heating and Bain Air Conditioning divisions.
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